We're taking a break from our regularly scheduled farm programing - for those of you out there possibly tuning in - to feature some incredibly awesome and ballsy guys traveling by motorcycle across West Africa.
C h r i s t o p h (former peace corps volunteer and photographer) & G u i d a (Fulani Beninese Native and College Student Extraordinaire)
Watch them, monitor them, cheer them on as they begin their journey in a northern Beninese town, heading east to Cameroon, only to wind their way back across multiple countries to land in Senegal, stopping all along the way to document and commune with West Africa's diminishing, yet graceful, nomadic cattle herders, the Fulani.
T h e F u l a n i ~ also known as the Puel (pronounced pull)
all photos by Christoph Herby
Learn and Watch More:
Pulaku: the Fulani photo project from Christoph Herby on Vimeo.S U P P O R T!
Last but not least, if you like what you see, and think this is an amazing trek, support Christoph and Guida as they move forward. You can order some stunning prints already featured on the website, or check in as they progress and post new photos - choosing your print a few months down the road when a particular photo catches your eye. All frames are hand made in Benin.