The Gardening Ladies

La President, Fatouma, marks an accounting book with
her fellow group members in the background
Ouirna, BENIN

Where IS Benin?
- Right there between Togo and Nigeria:


Benin, a Francophone country, has been operating under consistent democratic rule since 1970. Among the numerous local languages are Fon & Yoruba predominantly in the middle and southern regions, and Bariba in the north.

The Fulani, Benin

Also in the north, the Fulani can be found - a dramatically beautiful tribe of nomadic cattle herders.

Shea Butter and the Fruits - fresh picked.
The Karite (Shea) Tree needs 20 years to
mature before it begins
 producing those green sweets 

Cotton, palm oil and shea butter are Benin's primary exports; while Benin's subsistence agriculture generally produces corn, rice, pineapples, peanuts, & bananas regionally.